Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Squashes Galore

As part of the CSA farm share program, I received these HUGE squashes all throughout the late summer/early fall.  Last week's supply, I got a huge butternut squash and an acorn squash.  Since I never grew up eating squash (at all!), I scoured the internet to find some appetizing recipes.  I think I'll attempt some of them in hopes that I will like the flavor and taste of it.  I know that I am an incredibly picky eater, but part of my motivation in participating in a CSA is to try new foods.  I totally failed in my attempt at zucchini but hopefully, these squashes prepared well will entice me to eat it more.

Some of the recipes I found:

So what does this come down to?  I have very few tools to make these happen since I currently do not have a blender. I think I'll have to get one soon to take advantage of the squash while they're fresh.  Any recommendations?

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