Sunday, March 6, 2011

Ramen: Cup Noodles

How many of you love to have ramen? RAMENNNN. Being in college, ramen is a staple part of my diet. Of course, it's not the healthiest thing ever, but it's still delicious if done right. And if you're look to eat good ramen and be healthy, your best option is to forgo the flavor packet. That one packet is all the unhealthy ingredients that make it taste so good. If you want to be healthy, just have the noodles cooked plainly and add in healthy ingredients.

With this one, I put in two defrosted fishballs, which are already cooked, into the hot water to warm with the noodles and then topped it with some chopped scallions. (You'll come to see that I love having scallion with a lot of foods as a garnish.)

If you're familiar with ramen, you'd know that Nissin makes the infamous Cup Noodle brand. A big tip out there for all of you lazy bums eating Cup Noodles out of the styrofoam cup: DON'T DO IT. Styrofoam is one of the worst kinds of packaging out there (and it never decomposes, polluting our environment) and it definitely isn't supposed to be in contact with high temperature things, like hot, freshly boiled water. I always rip the seal off (and dump out the dried veggies), flip the cup over into a large bowl, and dump the noodles out. Then I add the hot water and cover the bowl with a plate until the three minutes are up. This one here, that looks oh-so-delicious, is in fact, one of the cups of Cup Noodles. So besides being better for you out of that cup, it always looks so much better this way!

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