Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Grocery Shopping

I recently subscribed to CouponMom, etc to see how much it would really help me save money.  Typically, I shop at two places: the Asian supermarket and ShopRite.  The majority of coupons, if any, would be used at ShopRite.  My tactics for this was to simply browse the coupon lists and see if there were any items that I usually buy.  Then print, clip, and go.

My typical grocery list consists of my staples.  I don't actually vary what I cook that much.  I often add a couple of different things whenever I feel like it.  My regular list typically looks like this:
  • garlic
  • onions
  • scallions
  • some veggies
  • eggs
  • two or three meats
  • tofu
  • salmon (my fav fish) maybe once a month
  • noodles

From my list, I think you can see what my diet mostly consists of.  I try my best to always have veggies with every meal.  My favorites are bok choy and broccoli.  Recently, I've been attempting to cut out meat (usually pork and chicken) from at least one of my meals.  My lack of seafood is mostly due to having little experience in prepping and cooking fish, but also from my pickiness about bones.  I love the texture of salmon and flounder (both more expensive, unfortunately), and I typically buy a bag of shrimp to leave in the freezer.  For most other fish, it would be either steamed or fried, of which frying is the more appetizing option but less appealing to prepare.  My starches and grains consist of white rice, noodles, or pasta.  I usually have one veggie and one meat prepared for each meal.  I don't toss up the variety too much, but I vary it just enough.  For special occasions, I will go and shop for all the ingredients to make multiple dishes.

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