Friday, August 2, 2013

CSA: Onions! And more!

So, it's now the fourth week of my weekly veggies from the CSA share and it's great so far!

This week I got some onions with the full stalks attached!  Never seen onions this way before since supermarket ones are always detached and dried outer layers, but these were white onions with the fresh stalks.  I can't wait to cook with them tonight!!

The other items I got was more corn, lettuce, kale, zucchini, celery, and cucumbers.  I tried to make zucchini fries last week but they didn't turn out so good.  Failed attempt so I gave my zucchini away this time around.  For my cucumbers, I had sliced some up into strips for a cool snack.  The rest I had sliced into discs for beauty purposes.  For my lettuce, I'll probably make another simple salad out of them.  Too bad I don't have croutons on hand to add some crunch to it.  The kale I'm hoping to give a try by sautéing and then adding to pasta.  Last week, I had boiled the swiss chard I had and it was great with my pasta.

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