Friday, December 6, 2013

Foods That I Miss From My Childhood

Let's face the facts, the foods we loved the most in our childhood were probably not the healthiest, but that doesn't mean you can't have a bite every once in a while.

Here are some of the things I miss the most:

1. Dino Nuggets - Whoever invented these made the best nuggets EVER.  I loved playing with the dinosaurs and then biting their heads and tails off.  (I still do that when I eat them.)  Yum!

2. Gummy Bears - My mom used to buy this huge bag of 'all-natural', 'juicy' gummy bears from Costco (so sad when they stopped stocking them!).  We were allowed to have a little bit every once in a while, but my sister and I always grabbed the bag when we got home from school and just went through handfuls of this stuff.  Awesome.

3. Ritz Bits Sandwiches - I loved snacking on these.  One small pack was often not enough.  I was so happy when I got packs of these from trick or treating sometimes.

From The Food Gospel.  Homemade Mac n Cheese is delish!!
4. Mac n Cheese - I still had some great, cheesy mac when I was still a college student.  As a kid, I loved the commercials for it from Kraft.  Now, I just miss having it.

5. Ice Cream Cups - In elementary school, my mom used to staple a zip bag into one of my folders and put 50 cents in there for ice cream.  I never liked the colorful ice creams as much.  I always picked the little cup with the half vanilla and half chocolate.  I was also silly in that I only liked chocolate ice cream and would eat half and then give away the rest to whichever friend wanted it.

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