Thursday, October 24, 2013

Simple Salad with Chicken and Bowties

I'm not a fan of salad.  For one, I love eating warm, home made meals instead.  Cold food just isn't as appetizing to me (unless it's snacks or pizza).

Because of my participation in my local CSA program, I've gotten more lettuce than I could have ever wanted!  Now, what else do you really make with lettuce but salad?  The only thing I like about salad is that you can add whatever you want to it.  It's so easy to make a salad more appealing to yourself.  (Hey, pile on the bacon bits, right?)

Simple Salad with Chicken and Bowties

  • Lettuce (chopped, I used two different types for some variety)
  • Red onion (chopped)
  • Pasta of your choice (I had bowties on hand and they look great in salads)
  • Dressing of your choice (I used my simple olive oil dressing)
  • 1-2 strips of raw or cooked chicken tenders (cut into 1/4" - 1/2" pieces)
  • Parmesan cheese

I was making another chicken dish the night before so I saved some pieces and marinated it in soy sauce and minced garlic overnight.  Come morning, I simply sautéed them in a skillet and then set it aside.  Same goes for pasta.  If you have any leftover, plain pasta, you can easily add it to your salad.  If you're cooking it fresh, follow the directions on the box and rinse it with cold water after it's done cooking.  Then set it aside.

Prep your onion.  I used probably less than 1/4 of a red onion and chopped it into small pieces.  If you haven't washed your lettuce yet, do it several times to be sure that all the dirt is gone.  Then chop it up into your desired size.  Then, assemble your salad.

First, get a container that you want to use.  I used a typical, plastic takeout box.  I picked some of the nicer pieces of lettuce and added it in.  Then, I threw on the onions.  Next, add however much pasta you want.  I only used a spoonful of pasta (maybe 10 pieces).  Add in your chicken and top it off with some parmesan cheese.  The last part, add your dressing!  You can add it right before you eat or add it now and bring your salad with you for lunch.  Since my olive oil dressing is very light and doesn't solidify in the fridge, I just poured it on and then brought my salad to work.

Simple and easy!

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