Monday, June 24, 2013

Cooking (& Eating) Outdoors

It's summertime at last!  Yatta~~!

But really, how many of you actually get to cook outdoors?  I have used all sorts of grills outdoors--charcoal, gas, and electric (George Foreman).  And I absolutely love cooking outdoors!  It's fun and you feel relaxed in the open space.. The only thing to worry about is mosquitos and flies.

I really liked having the gas grill and being able to use a pan on the side burner to cook things that you can't put directly on a grill.  My mom would stir fry veggies on it and we'd enjoy a nice meal out on the deck or patio.  It was great!

In my apartment now, it's so hot cooking indoors with a gas stove.  Especially since my kitchen is very tiny, it heats up really fast.  I wish had a grill of my own to use in the yard.  I envy my neighbors who are regularly using their grill now that the weather's nice.  They also have a nice cast-iron table with pillows on the chairs and tea lights in the lantern.  When they eat outside, they just sit there and relax all evening.  That's the life~

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