Thursday, October 17, 2013

Homemade Croutons

How many of you like croutons?  They're crunchy, full of flavor, and can add some extra YUM to your meal.  I love eating them plain sometimes as a snack.

Do you usually buy your croutons pre-made or make your own?  I used to buy these bags and boxes of them pre-made for about $2-$4 each.  When you think about it, you're spending a lot on something you might use every day (if you eat salads all the time).  Why not make it fresh from your own kitchen?

Homemade Croutons


  • bread
  • butter or olive oil
  • seasoning (salt, garlic, basil, etc)

If you're ambitious enough to make your own bread, great!  I just use a store bought loaf of plain white bread.  One slice of bread = enough for one salad and then some.

Take the bread and cut it into cubes.  Lay out the pieces on a sheet of foil, drizzle with olive oil or melted butter and then generously sprinkle your desired seasonings.

Toast until browned and there you have it!  Delicious, fresh homemade croutons.  So simple and so fast!

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