Saturday, March 5, 2011


My favorite get-better-soon meal.

Congee (or rice porridge) is simply rice cooked with a little more than double the amount of water you usually use. Like a good Asian, I always use a rice cooker to cook my rice. The current one at home is a Zojirushi. Our family always bought the "elephant" brand probably because it just works well. We had one of the newer ones without the water on the outside for a while but then we switched back to the older style.

I discovered that I had to cook the rice twice for it to really be soft enough. This probably could've been remedied with just adding more water to the outside of the pot and adding more water to the rice itself as well. I ended up cooking once, adding more water for both, and cooking it again. By the way, congee can also be made on the stove top. It just requires more supervision so that your rice doesn't stick to the bottom of the pot or burn.

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